Monday, November 10, 2014

If Winning Was Not An Inside Affair, The Genie Would Be Real Now

Well, I have read the Arabian Nights stories so many times, it could be amazing. But who has thought of this, in this vein: Sure, all legends and tall tales are based on some sort of reality, truth and honesty, but, not like we think, or it may take some abstract realization to understand how these legends and tall tales are based in reality. With that seemingly convoluted beginning, I begin this article. Sure, when things get seemingly hard to achieve, we naturally want "unbelievable" short cuts at times, such as a genie or a universally powerful and controllable butler to do it for us in an "easy" way that requires a little less effort, or at least an "open sesame" password to open opportunities like Ali Baba had as his "short cut". My point is, to genuinely get these type of advantages, we must look at reality differently, and between the lines of reality to get genuine advantages that really do work. We cannot escape into fantasy or wish for advantages to just come out of "nowhere".

Even real magic and real wishing takes real effort, yet it is simpler than finding a genie or finding the password to it all. Let me explain what I mean:

First, you must know your goal genuinely. (That is key, to know genuinely why. That in itself is more important than how or when.)

Second, you must be steadfast in wanting it. (When you really want it, whatever it takes, that is when it comes the best. Not necessarily the easiest, but the best.)

Third, adjust course and consult your intuition until you get it and even after for the best way to use it. (This is the seemingly hard part, because you must use what is inside of you to genuinely know what to do, why to do it and when to do it at all times for it all to work genuinely.)
Sure, those three steps are simple and powerful, and easy, the more you really want the goal. But, I have to warn you: Those steps are really hard when you do not really want the goal. But when you do, they are easy to enact in every way.

I do not know, call this article one of those things as close as you are going to get to getting a genie or an "open sesame" password. But, when you want it, you can get it. This message is not original to me, but it just has what is real to me in it and from it. Note: I said"call this article one of those things as close as you are going to get to getting a genie or an "open sesame" password. But, when you want it, you can get it." So many show and know this reality in different ways, some explicit and transparent, some not. But, know this, if you take this article and all articles and books like this seriously, you will discover a principle that varies in terms, but not in the way worked out by all who work it and for all who work it, it could be greatness producing. But for those who are uncertain, this is the hardest thing in existence. Be certain, and the miracle principle is your genie, is your password and will work for you ideally, with perfect brilliance. All you need is certainty within yourself.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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